Mark Hannah

Mark Hannah

Born October 13 1956

Still alive

Academic Achievements

Mark Hannah received a scholarship from Bell's Laboratory. He used this to earn a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology. He then went to Stanford where he earned his M.S. degree in 1978 and his Ph.D. in 1985.

Computer Science Innovations

Hannah co-founded Silicon Graphic Inc. and created technologies such as Personal IRIS, Indigo, and Indigo 2. These innovations would be used to create special effects for movies such as Jurassic Park, Alladin, Beauty and the Beast, The Hunt for Red October, and many more. His innovations were also used for engineering, research, and military applications. Mark Hannah also worked on the "telecomputer" that was used in the Nintendo 64. Finally, Hannah has held high positions in several startup technology businesses, to help them succeed.


The History Makers .
Institute of Design .
Computer History Museum .